July 9, 2009

Good evening, fine friends
I hope you enjoy haikus
Here's a series of them

My name is Marra
Rising Earth Systems senior
I study oceans

I love the outdoors
The land, the sea, and the sky
And that's why I'm here

Our group is lucky
Few people ever come here
And yet here we are

In the news today
Pollen cores and tagging sharks
Very exciting

And the best part is
That these projects will go on
For several days

Information on
Vegetation history
Comes from pollen cores

Movement patterns and
Feeding habits and pop. size
That's why we tag sharks

Excitement tonight
The manta ray team is out
Tracking with sonar

So in a nutshell
Science is so much fun and
It's amazing here

That's all for tonight
Hope you are all doing well
Goodnight, everyone